Stewart Law Group has made the information on this website available as a public service. This information is intended to provide legal advice or create or constitute a Client-solicitor relationship. As our website information is updated regularly, there may be certain facts or developments that may alter the presentation of our information. We cannot guarantee that the information in this website is up-to-date, accurate or complete. If you require additional clarification you may contact our office, or you can seek the advice of professional legal counsel before acting or relying upon any information provided in this website.
We have provided electronic mail as a convenience to users of our website. Contact by e-mail alone does not create an attorney-Client relationship. Please remember that internet e-mail is not secure and messages sent to us should not contain sensitive or confidential information. We ensure that we will not keep, sell or distribute your email address to any third parties. We will also respect confidentiality in your inquiries, and communicate with you in the manner in which you require. If you happen to receive an email in error from Stewart Law Group, please contact us at (403) 678-5823.
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